Most of computer fonts people using are TrueType fonts. TrueType fonts end with .ttf
, which stand for TrueType Font. This tutorial shows how to install TrueType fonts in Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc).
Linux 字体文件夹
Linux 下默认安装的字体都被存放在 /usr/share/fonts
如果是个人使用可以将字体文件拷贝到 ~/.fonts
目录中。所有支持的字体文件路径可以通过系统的 /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
# create an index of scalable font files for X
# create an index of X font files in a directory
fc-cache -fv
# 查看中文字体
fc-list :lang=zh
General way to install TrueType fonts
All of the TrueType fonts are under /usr/share/fonts/truetype
, simplest way is to copy ttf file to this directory and give it the right permission. For example, if you want to install Ubuntu font family manually. You can download the font file from official site.
In the terminal, download the package:
unzip the file into directory ubuntu-font-family-0.80
and then use copy command to copy all the files to /usr/share/fonts/truetype
directory and sub directory need root to write, so you should add sudo
before command. The -r
paramater represent recursive, it means all the files under ubuntu-font-family-0.80 will be copied to the right place.
sudo cp -r ubuntu-font-family-0.80/ /usr/share/fonts/truetype/
finally, you shoulde give this directory and all the ttf under this directory right permission. All the new fonts now can only be used by root. We need to change the permission to let all the users to use these fonts:
sudo chmod 755 /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family-0.80/ -R
then, refresh the font cache to let system detect these fonts:
fc-cache -f -v
Install new fonts only for current user
As I mentioned in the first part, if you copy the ttf file to /usr/share/fonts
directory, all the users can use these new fonts. But if you only want to provide these fonts to specific user, like current login user , you can just copy the file to ~/.fonts
directory. If there is no such directory, just create it. The ~ stand for current user’s home directory, full path is /home/<username>
. So repeat the operation to install Ubuntu font family:
mkdir ~/.fonts
cp -r ubuntu-font-family-0.80/ ~/.fonts/
fc-cache -fv
Install microsoft core fonts
Microsoft Core Fonts include these fonts:
- Andale Mono
- Arial Black
- Arial (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
- Comic Sans MS (Bold)
- Courier New (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
- Georgia (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
- Impact
- Times New Roman (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
- Trebuchet (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
- Verdana (Bold, Italic, Bold Italic)
- Webdings
Debian/Ubuntn/Linux Mint user just open terminal and run these command:
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
or Linux Mint user can find this package in the Software Manager, just search it and click install.
Install Chinese fonts
files are the English fonts, while .TTF files are Chinese fonts. If we check the C:\Windows\Fonts
under Microsoft Windows, there are 3 kind of fonts. One is the .fon
fonts, which is the DOS system font, and other two fonts are .ttf
and .TTF
. We can just make a copy of all .ttf
and .TTF
file and copy all the files to /usr/share/fonts/
directory under Linux. Although it is illegal under Microsoft’s TOC, but we can still do it. :)
If you dual boot your computer, mount the Windows and copy the files
sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/WindowsFonts
sudo cp -r /media/Windows/Fonts/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/WindowsFonts/
sudo cp -r /media/Windows/Fonts/*.TTF /usr/share/fonts/truetype/WindowsFonts/
Install open source Chinese fonts, like 文泉驿 - 微米黑 文泉驿 - 正黑
sudo apt-get install ttf-wqy-microhei ttf-wqy-zenhei
several Chinese font we can choose:
- Google noto
- 文泉驿
To check more about Chinese font visit Arch wiki
Install Software Manager under Linux Mint
Linux Mint user can find a font manager under Software Manager. It is really a cool tool to manager your fonts.
List all available fonts
is a quick and handy command to lists fonts and styles available on the system for applications using fontconfig. You can use fc-list to find out whether particular language font is installed or not.
To list all font faces:
$ fc-list
To lists font faces that cover Chinese language:
$ fc-list :lang=zh
Output will be all available Chinese fonts.
Fix WPS for Linux font missing error
After I installed WPS for Linux under Linux Mint 17.2, I met this problem, “系统缺失字体 symbol、wingdings、wingdings 2、wingdings 3、wedding”. According to the copyright, WPS for Linux doesn’t contains these five fonts. You can only find these five fonts and install them in the right place like I said before. One way to find these fonts is to find them in Microsoft Windows system. And another way is to download these files from Internet and install.
Install Korean fonts
Use following command to search Korean font
apt-cache search korean font
and use this command to install Korean font to linux:
sudo apt-get install fonts-unfonts-core fonts-unfonts-extra
无衬线体 = 黑体:并不是具体一款字体,而是一类字体,选择它其实等于选择这类字体中优先级最高的那款字体。Serif
衬线体 = 白体:同上Monospace
For more information check Debian page Arch wiki and Ubuntu wiki